Source code for anyvc.repository

    Anyvc repo support

    :license: LGPL 2 or later
    :copyright: 2009 by Ronny Pfannschmidt
from py.path import local

[docs]def open(path, backends=None): """ :param backends: optional list of backends to try open a repository backend at the given path """ from anyvc.metadata import get_backends for backend in get_backends(backends): if backend.is_repository(path): # XXX: add metadata about the worktree base, use it return backend.Repository(path)
[docs]def find(root, backends=None): """ :param root: the search root :type root: py.path.local or path string find all repositories below `root` """ root = local(root) backend = open(root, backends=backends) if backend is not None: yield backend else: for subdir in root.listdir(lambda p: p.check(dir=1)): for item in find(subdir, backends): yield item