Source code for anyvc.common.workdir

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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    weird base classes

    :copyright: 2008 Ronny Pfannschmidt
    :license: LGPL2 or later
from py.path import local

from os.path import dirname, basename, normpath

[docs]class StatedPath(object): """ stores status informations about files >>> StatedPath('a.txt') <normal 'a.txt'> >>> StatedPath('a.txt', 'changed') <changed 'a.txt'> """ def __init__(self, name, state='normal', base=None): self.relpath = normpath(name) self.path = dirname(name) = basename(name) self.base = base self.state = state if base is not None: self.abspath = local(base).join(name) else: self.abspath = None def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % ( self.state, self.relpath, ) def __str__(self): return self.relpath
def find_basepath(act_path, check): """ :param act_path: starting dir :param check: the test a helper function walks the directory tree up till it finds dir for wich the the check is true """ act_path = local(act_path) # this logic kind of fails for svn, but who cares for part in if check(part): return part
[docs]class WorkDir(object): """ Basic Workdir API :param path: base path :param create: """ def __init__(self, path, create=False, source=None): self.path = path if create: if source: self.create_from(source) else: self.create() else: pass # XXX
[docs] def process_paths(self, paths): """ preprocess given paths """ return list(paths)
[docs] def status(self, paths=(), recursive=True): """ :param path: the filenames :type path: sequence of string :param recursive: proceed recursive for directories :type recursive: bool yield a list of Path instances tagged with status informations """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def diff(self, paths=()): """ given a list of paths it will return a diff """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, paths=(), revision=None): """ :param revision: the target revision may not actually work for vcs's with tricky workdir revision setups updates the workdir to either the closest head or or the given revision """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def commit(self, paths=(), message=None, user=None): """ :param path: the paths :param message: the commit message :param user: optional author name commits the given paths/files with the given commit message and author """ raise NotImplementedError
def revert(self, paths=None, missing=False): raise NotImplementedError def add(self, paths=None, recursive=False): raise NotImplementedError def remove(self, paths=None, execute=False, recursive=False): raise NotImplementedError def rename(self, source=None, target=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class WorkDirWithParser(WorkDir): """ extension of the workdir class to support parsing needs """
[docs] def parse_status_items(self, items, cache): """ default implementation for each `item` in `items` invoke:: self.parse_status_item(item, cache) .. note:: a more complex parser might need to overwrite """ for item in items: rv = self.parse_status_item(item, cache) if rv is not None: state, name = rv # XXX: here renames get turned into ugly add/remove pairs if state is None: old, new = name yield StatedPath(old, 'removed', self.path) yield StatedPath(new, 'added', self.path) else: yield StatedPath(name, state, self.path)
[docs] def parse_status_item(self, item, cache): """ parse a single status item meant to be overridden """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def parse_cache_items(self, items): """ parses vcs specific cache items to a list of (name, state) tuples """ return []
[docs] def cache_impl(self, paths=False, recursive=False): """ creates a list of vcs specific cache items only necessary by messed up vcs's in case of doubt - dont touch ^^ """ return []
[docs] def status_impl(self, paths=False, recursive=False): """ yield a list of vcs specific listing items """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cache(self, paths=(), recursive=False): """ return a mapping of name to cached states only necessary for messed up vcs's """ to_parse = self.cache_impl( paths=paths, recursive=recursive ) return dict(self.parse_cache_items(to_parse))
[docs] def status(self, paths=(), recursive=True): """ yield a list of Path instances tagged with status informations """ cache = self.cache(paths=paths, recursive=recursive) to_parse = self.status_impl( paths=paths, recursive=recursive, ) return self.parse_status_items(to_parse, cache)
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import os def relative_to(base_path): """ will turn absolute paths to paths relative to the base_path .. warning: will only work on paths below the base_path other paths will be unchanged """ base_path = local(base_path) def process_path(child_path): child_path = local(child_path) if child_path.relto(base_path): return base_path.bestrelpath(child_path) else: return child_path return process_path class CommandBased(WorkDirWithParser): """ common code + default method implementations for subprocess based vcs's """ # TODO: set up the missing actions def execute_command(self, args, result_type=str, **kw): if not args: raise ValueError('need a valid command') ret = Popen( [self.cmd] + [str(x) for x in args], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, cwd=self.path.strpath, close_fds=True, env=dict(os.environ, LANG='C', LANGUAGE='C', LC_All='C'), ) if result_type is str: return ret.communicate()[0] elif result_type is iter: return ret.stdout elif result_type is file: return ret.stdout def get_commit_args(self, message, paths=(), **kw): """ creates a argument list for commiting :param message: the commit message :param paths: the paths to commit """ return ['commit', '-m', message] + self.process_paths(paths) def get_diff_args(self, paths=(), **kw): return ['diff'] + self.process_paths(paths) def get_update_args(self, revision=None, **kw): if revision: return ['update', '-r', revision] else: return ['update'] def get_add_args(self, paths=(), recursive=False, **kw): return ['add'] + self.process_paths(paths) def get_remove_args(self, paths=(), recursive=False, execute=False, **kw): return ['remove'] + self.process_paths(paths) def get_revert_args(self, paths=(), recursive=False, **kw): return ['revert'] + self.process_paths(paths) def get_status_args(self, **kw): raise NotImplementedError def commit(self, **kw): args = self.get_commit_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def diff(self, **kw): args = self.get_diff_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def update(self, **kw): args = self.get_update_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def add(self, **kw): args = self.get_add_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def remove(self, **kw): args = self.get_remove_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def rename(self, source, target, **kw): args = self.get_rename_args(source, target) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def revert(self, **kw): args = self.get_revert_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, **kw) def status_impl(self, **kw): """ the default implementation is only cappable of recursive operation on the complete workdir rcs-specific implementations might support non-recursive and path-specific listing """ args = self.get_status_args(**kw) return self.execute_command(args, result_type=iter, **kw) def cache_impl(self, recursive, **kw): """ implement caching by running a subprocess only runs caching if it knows, how """ args = self.get_cache_args(**kw) if args: return self.execute_command(args, result_type=iter, **kw) else: return [] def get_cache_args(self, **kw): return None